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How to Apply for a Permesso di Soggiorno in Italy

The Permesso di Soggiorno is a necessary document for all expats. Here's help navigating it.

Overwhelmed by the Permesso di Soggiorno?

If you've done some research on what you need to successfully move to Italy, you've probably found information online about the permesso di soggiorno. If you haven't, let this be your introduction.


What is a Permesso di Soggiorno?

Permesso di soggiorno translates to "permission to stay," and it's exactly that. Once you receive your visa (typically good for one year), you'll need to apply for this document to remain long-term in Italy.


Can I Fill It Out Myself?

Absolutely! But you'll need to a) be fluent in Italian or b) buy this book, which translates Module 1 to help you! I'm fluent in Italian and I had difficulty filling out the permesso di soggiorno the first time.


Why Should I Buy this Book?

I spent countless hours researching the permesso di soggiorno before I moved to Italy, and I've got to be honest: there's not a lot of great info out there on how to apply for it (unless you're a student). For an entrepreneur like me, who was moving to Italy under the autolavoro visa, I couldn't find the information I needed.


So I wrote it!


This book, which has more than 50 pages of useful information, will teach you:


  • The purpose of the permesso di soggiorno

  • When and how to apply for it

  • Documents you'll need

  • Types of permessi di soggiorno

  • How to renew a permesso


But what I'm most proud of is the fact that I have translated Module 1 to make it simple for you to fill out! I wish I'd had this when I first applied for mine!


Rather than spending hours doing your own research, buy this book and get everything you need to apply for your permesso di soggiorno!


BONUS: When you buy the book, you'll get a free 15-minute Pick-My-Brain consultation. You can ask me all your burning questions about moving to Italy.




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