Living Authentically Coaching Services

The Authenticity Journey
Congratulations on deciding that it's time to live life on YOUR terms.
Still, like many women, you may not know what you want or what living authentically means to you. That's where I come in as your coach.
To help you discover what living authentically looks like, I take you on a six-session journey where we set intentions to shape the next phase of your life, identify potential challenges, and create a plan to anchor you when you feel adrift.
We will also work through blocks that may be holding you back from living authentically. By the end of the program, you will have a clear path for where you're headed in your authentic life!
The Expat Journey
You've long dreamed of moving abroad, and now you're ready to take action and make that dream a reality.
​ need a little help.
As an expat myself, I can help you navigate both the logistics of moving abroad (visas, where to live, planning) as well as the all-important emotions you'll have as you untether yourself from a familiar life.
Over six sessions, we'll get an action plan and timeline for you moving abroad, and I'll probe you to go deeper into your values so you have something to anchor you when the storms of uncertainty arise.

Ready to Start Living Authentically?
If you're ready to put yourself first and discover the joy of living an authentic life, let's chat to see if we are a good fit.