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5 Reasons You WON'T Move to Italy

Writer's picture: Su GuillorySu Guillory

I can't tell you how many people I've met over the past few years who tell me that they, too, want to move to Italy. Sadly, the majority won't actually follow through.

And what about you? You're here, reading my blog about being an expat in Italy...but do you have what it takes to actually take the leap?

Here's what might be holding you back.

1. You're Flat-Out Terrified

It's one thing to talk about moving to Italy or even go on vacation there. It's another thing to actually consider what life would be like in the great unknown, Italian style.

You're comfortable in your life as it Italy, where will you find cheese dip? Or people who speak English? Though you say you want to move there, deep down you're afraid it'd be too much to handle.

My Response: Yes, you've gotten complacent in your comfort bubble. You've figured life out, more or less, and to throw a major complication like moving to another country into the mix...what would that do to you?

Let me just say...moving to Italy WILL be terrifying. Stressful. Overwhelming. But after all that, you will NEVER EVER regret the decision. Promise. What fun is life if we stay in our lane and never venture into uncharted territories? (and trust me...Italy is kinda uncharted, at least as far as Google Maps goes...I've gotten lost so many times...but I digress.)

2. People Are Putting Doubts in Your Head

When you tell people you want to move to Italy, at first their reactions are great.

"Wow! That's fantastic! How brave!"

But then their own insecurities creep in.

"But...wouldn't you be afraid to move there alone? How will you work? What will you do with all your stuff? What about your family?"

And now you're doubting your own decision.

My Response: What you do with your life is nobody else's business. Nobody likes a naysayer. Get new friends, because real friends will completely support you and ask how they can help you on your journey.

3. You Can't Untether Yourself from Your Life

Your parents are getting old and you want to be close by in case they need you.

Your kid is in college and you want to at least be on the same continent in case they need you.

You have aging pets.

You have a boyfriend who doesn't want to move with you.

Whatever it is, there is something that keeps you feeling like you are needed in your current life and that you can't step away to make your own dreams come true.

My Response: Trust me, I've heard all of these excuses, but that's exactly what they are. Excuses. Your parents and kids are a flight or two away. Your pets will survive the flight. If the guy doesn't want to support your dreams, he's not the guy for you.

So many women put everyone else in front of themselves, and their dreams come last on a very long list. That's utter bullshit, and we need to stop this! We are worthy of doing something just for us, like moving to Italy!

4. You Don't Feel Brave Enough

You look at me or other people who moved abroad and compare yourself.

"I could never be that brave," you think.

You've resigned yourself to be limited to what you feel capable of doing, and that may mean you stay where you are.

My Response: No one ever says, man, I'm so brave! We all feel scared and nervous to do big things. Including me. I can't express the level of anxiety I had for MONTHS before my move here. There were just so many different moving pieces and parts, but I knew that if I just kept putting one foot in front of the other, one day I'd have my feet in Italy.

So stop doubting yourself! You can do hard things!

You will have moments of doubt. But just take one step at a time, and I promise you, you will one day look back at all that you've accomplished and be so, so proud.

5. You Don't Know Where to Begin

You've been to Italy a few times and you really like it, but now that you're thinking you want to actually start a life here, you feel overwhelmed with so many questions...

Where should you live? Can you work? Do you need a visa? Which visa? Can you take your cats? Should you pack your blender? How will you learn Italian? Will you make friends?

The questions are piling up and you just want to go hide under a rock.

My Response: This one's easy! You can't do this big of a thing without help. And I'm help. I help people just like you with the myriad of questions they have. I find that after I have a Pick-My-Brain Consultation with a client for an hour, they're much calmer and resolved. Things don't feel so overwhelming and they have a direction to start in.

Please understand that each of these points is just an excuse and something that can be overcome. You are brave, and you can do this.

And remember: you're not alone. You always have my blog, as well as my free Facebook group for women who want to move to Italy, That Sweet Italian Life.

And if you're interested in a consultation or coaching package, I'm here for you.

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