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Election Got You Packing Your Bags? Read This First

Writer: Su GuillorySu Guillory

Since the U.S. election, I've been contacted by several people who are desperate to move out of the country before things fall apart.

I get it.

I said the same thing years ago, though I wasn't able to move to Italy just then.

But before you renounce your American citizenship, read on.

Wherever You Go, There You Are

I always ask my expat coaching clients why they want to move to Italy. I listen carefully to determine if:

a) They have something they're running away FROM

b) They have something they're running TOWARD

Let me explain.

When you're running away from something (a nasty divorce, a failed business, a president you don't want in office), you may not find happiness abroad. Some problems will follow you (money problems, not being healed from your divorce).

Moving to Italy doesn't solve your problems.

Certainly, it's easy to forget about them for a while over an aperol spritz, but in the morning you'll wake up and those problems will stil be there. As well as a headache!

On the other hand, running toward something sets you up for success. For me, I wanted a simpler life with more time to enjoy pleasures like making art and learning about herbs.

I didn't come here constantly comparing my old life to my new one (it happened anyway), and I allowed for happiness to seep in unexpected cracks in my heart.

Examine Your Reasons for Wanting to Move

I get it. My heart is breaking to consider that a man who doesn't seem to respect women, and who has been proven to be a criminal will soon be in charge of the country yet again, and that the majority of people voted for him.

The U.S. is changing, for sure. And you may find relief living abroad. But understand that there are problems everywhere. The Italian government is aligned in many aspects with He Who Shall Not Be Named. In the south of Italy there's little money put into the healthcare system and jobs.

It's a beautiful but flawed country. Like any country.

So, again, moving to Italy won't solve your problems.

On the other hand, if the election results are the straw that's breaking that proverbial camel's back, and if you have tons of other reasons to move, then by all means. Join me in this wonderful country!

And if I can help, reach out. Book a Pick-My-Brain session and get all your questions answered.


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