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My Dream of Being an Artist in Italy Realized

Years before I moved to Italy, I spent time thinking about what I wanted my life to look like once I moved. I even made a vision board of it.

As you can see, being an artist was a big part of my vision of my Italian life. And I'm happy to's happening!

To be fair, I've long been an artist. But for some reason, I feel like I have more mental space and more inspiration to create here.

Surrounded by Inspiration

Being just steps from the clearest sea I've ever in what was once ancient Greece...immersing myself in Calabrian traditions...everything around me offers creative sparks that show up in my art.

When I first moved here, I'd sit on the beach and marvel at the moonlight. I created this piece to attempt to (poorly) capture what it was like to see the moon over the sea. The beach is made of actual sand, and the waves are made from mosquito net.

Sharing My Art with the World

My art has always been for me. My house is filled with collaged suitcases and paintings that I've made whenever the mood struck. I've never felt compelled to share or sell it.

But then a friend from Davoli invited me to create something for the art festival, Sonore Alchimie, and suddenly, my art wasn't so private anymore.

I immediately knew I wanted to create a Goddess, because I've always felt a connection to them, and here in Calabria, I'm surrounded by the myths of Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses.

So I created an Athena, protector of us all. She's collaged with images of Calabria as a love letter to my new home. Most Calabrians don't think it's any big deal that the tip of the toe of Calabria is where Odysseus sailed before and after the Trojan War. Or that Scilla is named after the sea monster of legend. Persephone descends into Hell for half the year in Sicily. And Athena stands on guard on the coast in Reggio Calabria, prepared to fight for the people of her land.

I also made an owl to accompany Her, as well as a shield with Medusa on it. There's a connection between Athena and Medusa, and it's not one of Athena's finer moments.

My art is an ode to mythology brought to life. I showcased it at the event in Davoli last week, and it felt good to get compliments. It energized me to explain (in Italian) why I'm so inspired by Calabria and its myths.

I also entered this piece in an art contest, so fingers crossed! The door is open now, so who knows what's next for me? Maybe I'll sell my art!

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