Everything I write here on my blog and the books I publish are aimed at making it easier for YOU to move to Italy!

I spent months researching everything I needed to do to get here, and I was dismayed to see that there wasn't a lot of really useful, accurate information in one place. So I started creating it myself.
When it came to how to apply for the permesso di soggiorno in Italy, it was even harder to find the right information.
So I created it!
I'm happy to announce that my newest guide, How to Apply for the Permesso di Soggiorno in Italy, is now available! It's 50+ pages of everything you need to apply for this resident permit to live long-term in Italy.
It even includes a translation of Module 1 (the one you'll most likely need) to make it easy for you to fill out.
AND as a special thank-you gift, if you buy the book, you'll also get a free 15-minute Pick-My-Brain consultation call with me. You can ask me all your questions about moving to Italy.
Download How to Apply for the Permesso di Soggiorno in Italy
Ready to dive in? You can order your copy of the book and get your downloads instantly here.